Hello from beautiful Montana:
As I have been working on the grief and loss series (it is not too late to join-replays and transcripts available. Check out:
) it has struck me how important boundaries are. May I share a few ideas with you?
Why do We Need Boundaries?
This is a modified list I recieved when I was trained as a Hospice volunteer. It has been helpful in my work with families.
Respect is a two way street and when you respect yourself, others will also.
- Healthy boundaries define who we are and what we value.
- Healthy boundaries show us where we stand in life.
- Healthy boundaries make us aware of what is socially appropriate.
- Healthy boundaries help us to trust and to let down our defenses.
- Healthy boundaries help us to accept people who are different from us.
- Healthy boundaries help us define our needs and find ways to meet them.
- Healthy boundaries permit us to experience intimacy in relationships.
- Healthy boundaries bring order into our lives.
- Healthy boundaries allow us to determine how we would like to be treated.
- Healthy boundaries give us self-discipiine, maturity, and character.
- Healthy boundaries empower us to stand against manipulation.
- Healthy boundaries place us firmly in charge of our lives.
- Healthy boundaries define what we are and are not responsible for.
- Healthy boundaries empower us to priorities and make choices.
- Healthy boundaries allow us to hold our ground without hostility.
- Healthy boundaries prevent the build-up of resentment toward others.
- Healthy boundaries alloww us to protect ourselves, to avoid victimization.
- Healthy boundaries permit us to maintain our identity in relationships.
- Healthy boundaries help us negotiatie differences and achieve goals.
- Healthy boundaries help us to love and esteem ourselves.
Tomorrow, I will share with you how to set boundaries. This is the foundation to self esteem and confidence.
Have a wonderful day and don't forget to listen in to the 15 minute radio shows on your computer. Just click on http://www.blogtalkradio.com//auntieartichoke
Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship coach and author